Set Your Mind Above
What if I told you that God could be seen in the most ordinary things everyday? Take a break from the busyness of your lives to just stop & look around. Consider the things that we encounter all the time and overlook. Just think of all the lessons that we could learn from our children, in our homes, or our families. What if I told you that everyday, ordinary events could teach us extraordinary eternal truths...would you believe me? I'm BJ Sipe, and welcome to the Set Your Mind Above podcast.
262 episodes
S5 E6 - Overnight Infections & Watching Ice Melt
Our youngest has another double ear infection, and it came on fast. There was no warning, and suddenly she was miserable. As I held her tonight, I sat and watched my ice melt in my glass - it was slow, and it was subtle. What a contrast. <...
Season 5
Episode 6

S5 E5 - Count It All Joy When You Face Various Snowballs
We got a big snow dump again, and the kids wanted to go outside and play in it. This was the best kind of snow, the kind that packs tight so you can make snowballs and snowmen. The kids asked me to teach them how, and I explained you have to ap...
Season 5
Episode 5

S5 E4 - I Don't Even Miss It Anymore
Kylie and I have been doing a healthy living challenge, and at the start it was very tough - especially what felt like a very restrictive diet. But the longer we've done it, the better we've felt. I've started to realize how poor my diet was be...
Season 5
Episode 4

S5 E3 - Be A Bee
Bee's a pretty incredible. The female honeybee is capable of stinging a predator or what she considers dangerous, but not to protect herself - to protect the colony. Her act is self-sacrificing and selfless. She lays down her life for others.&n...
Season 5
Episode 3

S5 E2 - A Time To Die
My grandmother a few days ago was put on hospice care, and I called to tell her goodbye just the other night. In Christ, we don't grieve as those who have no hope. She has fought the good fight, she has finished the race, she's kept the faith.&...
Season 5
Episode 2

S5 E1 - More Than A Table
I noticed a table at our local Chick-Fil-A I had never noticed before. It said the following, "This table was built by artisans from A Better Way Ministries. The materials used were salvaged from unwanted and abandoned homes. The hands that bui...
Season 5
Episode 1

S4 E31 - A Discliplined, Daily, Lifelong Choice
Happy New Year Everyone! Are you ready to change? If it doesn't challenge you, it won't change you. Make the right choice. Being a disciple isn't a New Year resolution. It is a discliplined choice that you make all year long for th...
Season 4
Episode 31

S4 E30 - Just Playing With The Box
It happens every year with young children. You get them the things on their wishlist for Christmas, but then later on Christmas morning, you find them not playing with the gift - but the box it came in. We are not unlike children. ...
Season 4
Episode 30

S4 E29 - Treasure These Moments In Your Heart
Having three young children, especially around the Holidays, can be very chaoitic. But while that's true, I need to remember how quickly this stage flies by - and how much I will miss it. I only get one chance to impact my children, how will I ...
Season 4
Episode 29

S4 E28 - The Richest Man In Town
"It's A Wonderful Life" is my alltime favorite Christmas movie, and among my favorite movies period. The story climaxes with two expressions concerning George Baily - one a note written by his guardian angel Clarence, "No man is a failure who h...
Season 4
Episode 28

S4 E27 - Stop Pouring Oatmilk On Jesus
I recently started drinking Mushroom Coffee, and it is as bad as you can imagine. It's hard to swallow. I thought about just quiting, but I decided to try and doctor it up with oatmilk and honey and found that is much more enjoyable. I don't ta...
Season 4
Episode 27

S4 E26 - Aspire To Be Humble
I was at Starbucks the other day when this lady came in wearing a shirt that made me do a double take. It said, "Not aspiring to be humble." Wow...it's one thing to be proud out of ignorance. It's another to be proud by choice. Wit...
Season 4
Episode 26

S4 E25 - What Lies Beneath the Couch
Have you ever cleaned underneath your couch? You never know what you might find under there. On the surface your sofa looks clean, but when you dig a little deeper and pull it back - there are all kinds of things hiding beneath the surface.&nbs...
Season 4
Episode 25

S4 E24 - The Church Needs Reading Buddies
I started a program called "Reading Buddy" with a local elementary student. It turns out, he is a wonderful reader that just lacks confidence. With some encouragement, he has already grown tremendously, but more than that, we have grown close t...
Season 4
Episode 24

S4 E23 - Sometimes the Worst Brings Out the Best
Hurricanes have devastated Florida, North Carolina, and Tennessee. You absolutely hate to see the destruction and hardship caused to others by these storms. Our prayers go out to all those suffering. But even in the midst of so muc...
Season 4
Episode 23

S4 E22 - We Need Some Perspective
Hurricane Helene came through and did some damage to our area, but absolutely nothing compared to other areas of the country. At first, our kids were pretty upset about no power and no tv/internet. But once they learned that that other people w...
Season 4
Episode 22

S4 E21 - God Doesn't Get Overstimulated
When you become a parent, it's easy to get overstimulated by the end of the day. Constantly being asked questions, touched, etc. Same goes for teachers, btw. I saw a video where a kindergarten teacher was asked a question or had her name said b...
Season 4
Episode 21

S4 E20 - Pride, Sickness & Sin
This past week, everyone in my family came down with Covid one by one. Everyone, that is, except me. We seemed to be on the upswing, and I prided myself in thinking I had some kind of super immune system to not get sick. I spoke a little too so...
Season 4
Episode 20

S4 E19 - Birds, Unity, & the Body of Christ
Mumuration is an amazing spectacle where birds move in what to the naked eye looks like complete unity. They are capable of doing this because of keen senses that allow them to anticipate the movements of the rest of the flock, and they do not ...
Season 4
Episode 19

S4 E18 - Why Did I Do That?
We are creatures of habit aren't we? I found myself mindlessly doing a few things this week that made no sense - but I did them anyways simply because I was in the habit of doing them. It was monotonous - harmless, but clearly old habits die ha...
Season 4
Episode 18

S4 E17 - Bringing God's Children Home
Welcome back after an extended break from the podcast! It is crazy to think that in just a few short weeks our oldest two kids will be going to school for the first time. It's a big change. But bigger ones will come in the future, because it is...
Season 4
Episode 17

S4 E16 - Guest Episode - Daniel Schoenholz
I know I've been gone for quite a while, and I will have an explination soon Lord willing. But in the meantime, my intern for the summer has jumped in to give you some content in the meantime! Welcome to the podcast Daniel Schoenholz.
Season 4
Episode 16

S4 E15 - If Anyone Is In Christ, They Are A Potato Rock
I took my young intern over to the Forks on Friday to help my uncle Kerry out on his property for just a little while, and in the meantime he got a tour of the land. The tour took us to the creek bed, where we found agate, coral, and my persona...
Season 4
Episode 15

S4 E14 - Simon Says
Our summer intern Daniel was teaching the very young children last night, and they needed to get their wiggles out. So, he decided to start up a brief game of Simon Says in order to accomplish that. The kids enjoyed playing along, trying not to...
Season 4
Episode 14

S4 E13 - The Wasp & The Boot
We were all outside eating when a wasp flew into our sons rainboots that we leave outside. When I went to hose it out and take care of the wasp, I was shocked to be met with not just one wasp but several more as well as a nest. I'm so gla...
Season 4
Episode 13