Set Your Mind Above
What if I told you that God could be seen in the most ordinary things everyday? Take a break from the busyness of your lives to just stop & look around. Consider the things that we encounter all the time and overlook. Just think of all the lessons that we could learn from our children, in our homes, or our families. What if I told you that everyday, ordinary events could teach us extraordinary eternal truths...would you believe me? I'm BJ Sipe, and welcome to the Set Your Mind Above podcast.
Podcasting since 2021 • 259 episodes
Set Your Mind Above
Latest Episodes
S5 E3 - Be A Bee
Bee's a pretty incredible. The female honeybee is capable of stinging a predator or what she considers dangerous, but not to protect herself - to protect the colony. Her act is self-sacrificing and selfless. She lays down her life for others.&n...
Season 5
Episode 3
S5 E2 - A Time To Die
My grandmother a few days ago was put on hospice care, and I called to tell her goodbye just the other night. In Christ, we don't grieve as those who have no hope. She has fought the good fight, she has finished the race, she's kept the faith.&...
Season 5
Episode 2
S5 E1 - More Than A Table
I noticed a table at our local Chick-Fil-A I had never noticed before. It said the following, "This table was built by artisans from A Better Way Ministries. The materials used were salvaged from unwanted and abandoned homes. The hands that bui...
Season 5
Episode 1
S4 E31 - A Discliplined, Daily, Lifelong Choice
Happy New Year Everyone! Are you ready to change? If it doesn't challenge you, it won't change you. Make the right choice. Being a disciple isn't a New Year resolution. It is a discliplined choice that you make all year long for th...
Season 4
Episode 31
S4 E30 - Just Playing With The Box
It happens every year with young children. You get them the things on their wishlist for Christmas, but then later on Christmas morning, you find them not playing with the gift - but the box it came in. We are not unlike children. ...
Season 4
Episode 30